Is a Golf Cart a Low-Speed Vehicle?
Las Vegas is hot year-round and that means that many of us have found creative ways to get around the neighborhood. Have you seen a vehicle driving on the road that reminds you of a golf cart…but faster? That vehicle is a low-speed vehicle. It is not a golf cart. Read on to find out the difference between golf carts and low-speed vehicles in Nevada and some safety tips. Remember if you travel, the rules about these vehicles may change.
If another driver injures you, you should seek medical attention immediately. Once you have gotten the injuries tended to, you should seek legal help from a Las Vegas personal injury lawyer. Learn more about Low speed vehicles in the article below.

The law firm of Anthem Injury Lawyers has a dedicated team of personal injury lawyers and staff. We offer the experience, knowledge, and expertise you need to win significant compensation. Don’t delay: take advantage of our years of experience winning Las Vegas car accident cases for our clients. Contact us today at (702) 857-6000 to make an appointment for a free consultation.
Is a Golf Cart a Low-Speed Vehicle?
No, under Nevada law, a golf cart is defined separately from a low-speed vehicle. A golf cart is defined in Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 482.044. Under NRS 482.044, “golf cart” means a motor vehicle which:
- Has no fewer than three wheels in contact with the ground; and
- Is designed to carry golf equipment and no more than four persons, including the driver.
Operating Golf Carts in Residential Developments
If you own a golf cart, you may be tempted to use it on and off the course. In Nevada, golf carts may be operated in residential developments where the appropriate city or county government has approved their use. In Clark County, a DMV permit and insurance are required in certain developments where carts are used as general transportation.
If you are a golf cart owner, you are responsible for knowing what roads are designated as permissible for the operation of golf carts.
When is a golf cart permit required?
NRS 482.398(1) provides the following:
- In a county whose population is 700,000 or more, a permit for the operation of a golf cart may be issued by the Department if the golf cart is equipped as required by subsection 2 and evidence of insurance as required for the registration of a motor vehicle is submitted when application for the permit is made.
Under NRS 482.398(2), a golf cart must have the following equipment:
- Headlamps
- Tail lamps, reflectors, stop lamps and an emblem or placard for slow moving vehicles
- A mirror
- Brakes
Each of these items of equipment must meet the standards prescribed for motor vehicles generally.
Does a golf cart always require a permit?
A golf cart does not always require a permit. Under NRS 482.398(3), a permit is not required for the operation of a golf cart during daylight, by a person holding a current driver’s license, if the golf cart is:
- Equipped with an emblem or placard for slow moving vehicles; and
- Operated solely upon that portion of a highway designated by the appropriate city or county as a:
(1) Crossing for golf carts; or
(2) Route of access between a golf course and the residence or temporary abode of the owner or operator of the golf cart.
We hope this helps you understand golf carts and applicable Nevada rules. Below we will discuss low speed vehicles.
If you are injured in a golf cart accident, you should seek legal advice from an experienced personal injury lawyer. The experienced team at Anthem Injury Lawyers can help you protect your rights and help you get the personal injury settlement that you deserve. You can rely on our Las Vegas personal injury lawyers to aggressively fight for you. Well-meaning people may say that you don’t need a Las Vegas lawyer to represent you. Our experience has proven otherwise: those who had a knowledgeable and experienced personal injury lawyer fighting for them had the best opportunity to win top compensation. That’s the advantage you’ll get when you have Anthem Injury Lawyers working for you. Contact us today at (702) 857-6000 to make an appointment for a free consultation.

What Is a Low Speed Vehicle?
It can be easy to confuse a low-speed vehicle with a golf cart. However, they tend to have different uses and rules that govern their use. Remember, the rules regulating their uses can change depending on where you live. Low speed vehicles may look like golf carts, but can be operated on public roads at higher speeds.
Under NRS 484B.637(1), “low-speed vehicle” means a motor vehicle:
- That is 4-wheeled;
- The speed of which that is attainable in 1 mile is more than 20 miles per hour and not more than 25 miles per hour on a paved level surface;
- The gross vehicle weight rating of which is less than 3,000 pounds; and
- That complies with the standards for safety of such a vehicle set forth in Federal Motor Safety Standard No. 500 at 49 C.F.R. § 571.500.
Operating Low Speed Vehicles on Highways
Per NRS 484B.637(2), a registered low-speed vehicle may be operated on a highway. As long as the speed limit is less than 35 miles per hour. NRS 484B.637(2) provides the following:
- If registered, a low-speed vehicle may be operated upon a highway where the posted speed limit is 35 miles per hour or less. A person shall not operate a low-speed vehicle upon a highway where the posted speed limit is greater than 35 miles per hour, except to cross such a highway at an intersection.
What are low speed vehicle registration requirements?
Low speed vehicles are issued standard-sized license plates and subject to the same registration requirements as other vehicles. This includes the following:
- Insurance
- Taxes
- Emission inspections
If you are injured by a low-speed vehicle, seek medical help immediately. Once you have sought medical care, you should seek legal advice from a personal injury lawyer who specializes in car accidents. A personal injury lawyer will assist you with dealing with the insurance company and getting you the compensation you deserve. It is not necessary to fear insurance companies or other parties; even if these parties try to stand in your way when it comes to getting the compensation you’re entitled to as an accident victim. The law firm of Anthem Injury Lawyers has a dedicated team of Las Vegas lawyers and staff ready to help you. With our years of experience, expertise, and extensive car accident law knowledge, we can win you the compensation you deserve. Contact us today at (702) 857-6000 to make an appointment for a free consultation.
Safety Tips
While golf carts and low speed vehicles are different, both can cause serious injuries. Avoid injuries with the following safety tips:
- Never drive impaired. Avoid drinking alcohol or using drugs when driving.
- Do not carry extra passengers.
- Keep arms and legs inside the cart/vehicle.
- Do not drive the cart until all passengers are seated.
- Yield to pedestrians.
- Do not leave keys in an unattended cart/vehicle.
- Avoid excessive speeds.
- Do not drive distracted.
- Never race or joyride.
- Avoid sudden starts and stops.
We hope these tips keep you safe, no matter your form of transportation. If you are injured by a golf cart or low-speed vehicle, contact an experienced personal injury lawyer.
Experienced Las Vegas Personal Injury Lawyers
The law firm of Anthem Injury Lawyers understands that an accident can injure even the most cautious person. If another driver has injured you, it is important that you seek experienced legal representation.
With over 25 years of experience, award-winning Las Vegas law firm Anthem Injury Lawyers specializes in personal injury claims. If you cannot visit our Las Vegas area office, we can come to you to discuss your car accident case. When you speak with our Las Vegas personal injury lawyers you’ll discover that our expertise is exactly what you need. Call us today at (702) 857-6000 to make an appointment for a free consultation. You don’t have to worry about affording a lawyer, as our car accident lawyers are only paid if you win. We are ready to represent you in your Las Vegas car accident case.