Do You Know How to Drive in High Wind?
In September, it was reported that extremely strong winds created weather hazards in Las Vegas and other parts of Nevada. The National Weather Service issued an advisory that Las Vegas may see wind gusts as high as 55 mph. If you were caught on the roads in Las Vegas, you may have felt your car moving. In the sudden weather change, you may also have wondered how to drive in high wind. Here we will discuss high wind warnings and precautions to take when driving in this extreme weather.
We hope these tips help you understand how to drive in high wind in Nevada. If a driver injures you in Las Vegas or the vicinity, contact the experienced personal injury law team at Anthem Injury Lawyers. We do not charge for initial consultations and will travel to you at home or in the hospital if necessary. We deal with personal injury cases all over Nevada. Some well-meaning people may advise you that you can handle your Las Vegas car accident case without a lawyer. You need not worry about affordability -there are no fees until you have received your compensation. Leave the complexities of dealing with insurance companies and the details of handling your case to our experienced lawyers and legal team. Contact us today at (702) 857-6000 for a free consultation. Here are the tips on driving in the wind, extreme weather, and staying safe.

What Is the Difference Between a Wind Advisory, Watch, and Warning?
In instances of extreme weather, you may hear warnings on the radio or television. During severe weather, the National Weather Service may issue a wind advisory, a high wind watch, or a high wind warning. You may wonder what they mean. These all refer to different wind incidences which will be discussed below.
Wind Advisory
According to the National Weather Service, a wind advisory means:
- Sustained winds of 30 mph for one hour. And/or frequent gusts of at least 45 mph are occurring or expected within the next 36 hours.
- These winds will make it difficult to drive high profile vehicles.
- Small, unsecured objects may be blown around by these winds.
High Wind Watch
Per the National Weather Service, a high wind watch means:
- Sustained winds of 40 mph for one hour. And/or frequent gusts of at least 58 mph are expected within the next 12 to 48 hours.
- Check to make sure all loose objects outside are secured.
- Plan to postpone any unnecessary driving during this time since these winds will make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles.
- These winds may damage trees, power lines, and small structures.
High Wind Warning
According to the National Weather Service, a high wind warning means:
- Sustained winds of 40 mph for one hour. And/or frequent gusts of at least 58 mph are occurring or expected within the next 36 hours.
- Ensure that all objects outside are secured.
- Refrain from any unnecessary driving during this time since these winds will make driving very difficult, especially for high profile vehicles.
- Winds this strong may damage trees, power lines, and small structures.
If you have to venture out during high winds, do so with extreme caution and by following our tips below. Below we discuss our safe driving tips for high wind.
What Are the Different Types of Wind Your Vehicle Encounters?
We must identify the different types of wind your vehicle encounters before we discuss our safe driving tips for high wind. Your vehicle may encounter different types of wind on the road including headwind, tailwind, crosswind, and gust.
- Headwind occurs when air is blowing against the direction the vehicle is going.
- A tailwind occurs when air is blowing with the direction of the vehicle.
- Crosswind blows perpendicular to the vehicle’s direction of travel.
- A gust is a sudden, brief increase in speed of the wind.
All of these types of wind can impact your ability to safely operate a vehicle. If you encounter any of the above types of wind, use our tips below. If another driver injures you while driving in high wind, contact Anthem Injury Lawyers. Las Vegas Anthem Injury Lawyers is a team of experienced, dedicated personal injury lawyers and case managers. We have represented clients in these types of car accident cases and many more personal injury cases. Based in Henderson, Nevada, we work with clients all over the Las Vegas area. Contact us today at (702) 857-6000 to make an appointment for a free consultation.

How to Drive in High Wind
Drive with extreme caution if there is a wind advisory, a high wind watch, or a high wind warning. If possible, stay off the road until the weather calms. If you have to venture out, use our following tips for driving in high wind.
Avoid Driving High Profile Vehicles
High profile vehicles can include SUVs, trucks, trailers, vans, or other vehicles with a high center of gravity. These vehicles can be impacted by high winds and may roll over or drift between lanes. If winds impact your driving, pull off to a safe spot and wait until the wind stops.
Slow Down
If you are driving in high winds, or any type of extreme weather, it is best to reduce your speed. You will have more control of your vehicle if you are driving slower and will have more time to react.
Give Space to Other Vehicles
Keep distance between your vehicles and others on the road. Extra space gives you ample time to stop or avoid an accident with other vehicles on the road.
Stay Alert
High wind means debris on the roadway. This can include trees, garbage cans, and downed power lines. Stay alert in case you need to avoid an obstruction.
Use Caution Around Large Vehicles
Large commercial trucks and other high profile vehicles can be especially unpredictable during high winds. Proceed with caution around these large vehicles.
Stay Calm
Driving in high winds can be stressful. Flying debris and excessive dust are a dangerous combination. Debris may crack your windshield or cause vehicle damage. All of this may scare you while driving your vehicle. In this situation it is important that you stay calm and keep control of the car. Stay calm by doing the following:
- Take a deep breath.
- Keep your hands on the wheel.
- If necessary, pull off to a safe spot and wait for the storm to pass.
Not all drivers will know how to drive in high wind. If another driver injures you in Las Vegas, get medical help immediately. Once you have received medical care for your injuries, contact Anthem Injury Lawyers for assistance with handling the details of your car accident case.
Experienced Las Vegas Personal Injury Lawyers
Were you injured in a car accident in Las Vegas? Was it the fault of someone else? If so, you should speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer. A personal injury lawyer can give you legal advice and help protect your rights. Trying to deal with your case on your own can be very stressful, time consuming and frustrating as insurance companies are dedicated to not working with you – their goal is to pay out as little as possible for your Las Vegas car accident. Our Las Vegas legal team understands that being an accident victim can be one of the most difficult things you will ever face. As you deal with your injuries and wonder how to navigate the system, it is imperative that you consult with an experienced lawyer. The experienced team at Anthem Injury Lawyers can help protect your rights and get you the personal injury settlement that you deserve.
Our personal injury lawyers handle all types of motor vehicle accident cases including. This includes car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, and bus accidents. Contact Anthem Injury Lawyers today at (702) 857-6000 to make an appointment for a free consultation.